Kategori: Education

Model for Didactical Analysis

Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari portfolio yang saya tulis pada saat sedang mengikuti mata kuliah Design Science Education and Communication (DSEC). DSEC merupakan mata kuliah yang wajib saya ambil saat sedang melaksanakan studi di Utrecht University. Portfolio ini diberi nama Personal Design Manual (PDM). Tujuan dari tugas ini sediri adalah agar nantinya, PDM ini dapa digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam proses menciptakan desain pembelajaran. Paragraf berikut ini merupakan kalimat yang saya kutip dari Guideline dalam menulis PDM yang bisa didownload di BlackBoard Utrecht University. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat buat pembaca yang sedang merancang desain pembelajaran.

The aim of the task is to throughout the course develop a collection of ideas, principles, approaches and strategies that the student personally expects to be helpful in his/her future designing activities. The personal manual can be a selection of existing ideas but can also include self-developed strategies. The final result consists of the set of design principles, exemplified by concrete examples and complemented by a motivation why and how this design principle seems useful. It is hoped that the PDM document will serve as a personal guideline to start a new design activity later in the study or in a future professional career, and as such as an efficient means to access and refresh the course’s learning outcomes.

The explanation of this manual will be a part of the oral assessment. Although the manual should be a personal product, there are still general criteria that have to be met; Lanjutkan membaca “Model for Didactical Analysis”

A critical review of the research:

Teacher understanding of the nature of science and classroom practice: Factors that facilitate or impede the relationship

Tulisan berikut ini merupakan percobaan pertama dalam menulis critical analysis terhadap serangkaian riset yang dilakukan oleh Lederman (1997). Tulisan ini merupakan salah satu tugas yang diberikan oleh Dolly, dosen pengasuh mata kuliah Research Science Education and Communication (RSEC). RSEC sendiri merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang saya ikuti di block 4 yang lalu. Sebenarnya terdapat banyak sekali kekurangan dari versi ideal yang disyaratkan, akan tetapi saya tetap mempertahankan versi  ini guna melihat sejauh mana perubahan yang telah saya lakukan selama mengikuti mata kuliah ini. Mohon masukannya.


The development and students’ and teacher’ understanding and conception has been a concern of science education for over 40 years ago (Lederman, 1998). Many studies and reviews on the studies have been conducted in order to answer this problem and to validate the finding (for more information see in Lederman, 1998 & Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, 2000). This article is one of the efforts to do so. The author considers that giving this critical review on the research conducted by Lederman (1997) as the author critical perspective thinking in judging the reliability and validity of this research. Therefore this article mainly intend to give a critical review on the research conducted by Lederman (1997) as well addressed in report written in article namely “Teacher understanding of the nature of science and classroom practice: Factors that facilitate or impede the relationship”.

The article describe about the research conducted by Lederman (1997) that aimed to investigate whether the teacher understanding of the nature of science and classroom practice are integrated, and to identify what factor that facilitate or impede its relationship. The study conducted during one full academy year, involved five biology teachers in different high schools in Oregon State and some of their own students. The result of the study claim that teacher’s conception of science does not give an important influence in how the teachers elaborate the material or nature of science in the classroom practice. Lanjutkan membaca

Exploring the Graph of Quadratic Function

As a final project of  Design of Science Education and Communication course, all students, including my partner Sylvana and I have to design a learning activity. There 3  documents that we design;

  1. Underpinning Design
  2. Students’ Worksheet and Exercise
  3. Teaching Guide and Rubric

Underpinning Design

In this document we will describe our design about the “Exploring the Graph of a Quadratic Function”, for which the target group is students grade X in St Albertus Senior High School (14 to 15 years old), in Indonesia. This design is mainly intended to help students in drawing the graph of a quadratic function and let the students experience drawing the graph of a quadratic function to be more meaningful. The more detailed information about target group will be described in the target group part. In this design, we set students to work with a software namely Graphmatica 2.0. This software is used to draw any function. Lanjutkan membaca “Exploring the Graph of Quadratic Function”

The Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT)

This is one of assignments given when I was in Realistic Mathematics Education course. We have to describe what steps that the articles show.

The Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT)

By : Dwi Afrini Risma (F112661)

Simon used a brilliant metaphor to describe how a teacher needs to make planning before teaching, i.e. journey metaphor. Based on this metaphor, in order to reach the learning goal, teacher has to make a learning trajectory in which give a guideline for every learning step made. This trajectory is not only describes how the learning process started but also how to shift students progress in thinking from model of to model for. An actual teaching experience in the classroom perhaps will differ from the design because of the students’ thinking and big idea. When teacher experience this situation, they have to revise the design and may implant the new design. This cyclic process is introduced by Simon (1995) with the term hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT).

In Koeno Gravemeijer article, Measurement and Flexible Arithmetic can be begun by situating the classroom teaching experiment on measurement and arithmetic in context of the research that proceeded. In this learning, the goal is to helps students develop a framework of number relations, which would enable them to construe flexible computation strategies for addition and subtraction up to 100. In the design, we use ruler as a model of iterating some measurement unit and the empty number line as a model for of mathematical reasoning. The trajectory of this activity can be seen in the following scheme.

The scheme in figure 1 designed following every students progress in thinking, in which the learning process begin with constructing context-based meaning of measuring and end with reasoning with a flexible ruler.

According to Gravemeijer (2004), teacher has to investigate whether the thinking of students actually evolves as conjecture, and he or she has to revise or adjust the learning trajectory on the basis of his or her finding (Gravemeijer, 2004). Thus, Cobb noted that design researcher not only envisions as a sequence of instruction but also forms conjectures about the potential mathematical argumentation and evolving tool use that might accompany the realization of the sequence (Gravemeijer, Bowers, & Stephan, 2003). The following scheme (Figure 2) is a manner in global structure of a hypotetical learning trajectory.

Pacing to structure linear distance:

In the first step we construct students understanding towards context-based meaning of measuring. Based on this article, students have to start with King’s foot as a standardized of measuring unit. This activity will be considered as important starting point to students to think that they need a standard in measurement since each person has different length of foot. In the other hand, it is also become meaningful and realistic for them since measuring by foot is familiar to them.

Measuring with different iterable unit:

In this activity, students are allowed to use a different iterable unit: unifix cubes in a smurf scenario in which it is as representative of smurfs food cans. This activity is important because it would allow students deal with larger numbers easily.

Can we use a small number for measuring a large quantity?

In this activity, students are confronted with a dilemma in which the smurfs decide to only use small number of food cans instead of 50 cans. This activity is important to develop students’ sense of counting by ten.

Counting by ten and adjusting by adding or subtracting ones

As continuance of the previous activity, this activity can help student reason with tens and ones to structure the number up to 100.

Measuring paper strip of ten units of one cube then followed by reasoning using the strip

The idea of this activity is to introduce a measurement strip that made of a paper strip on which 10 units of ten were iterated, each subdivided into 10 units of one cube. We hope that eventually a number on the measurement strip show the students about the distance extended from beginning of measurement strip to the line to which this number belongs.

Using the strip to reason about comparing, incrementing, and decrementing lengths of object that are not physically present.

The goal of this activity is to develop students’ arithmetical solution strategies. The focus is on indentifying and comparing the length and the height of an object numerically.

Reasoning about magnitudes using measurement stick

The goal of this activity is to let them get used to a measurements stick in which the number has been erased. Therefore, students can read the sign in stick even though the stick has no number on it. In addition, they can use it to give reason about the magnitudes.

Introduction to empty number line

The important of this activity is by using this tool; teacher can support students’ effort to reason with a tool that was not decremented with specific unit

Reasoning with empty number line

In this stage, we hope students can use the same solution strategy and explanation when reasoning. In other word, students can relate another same problem with different context by using a same strategy, in which they use empty number line as their tool on reasoning.


Gravemeijer, K. (2004). Creating opportunities for students to reinvent mathematics. ICMI 2004 (pp. 1-17). State College, PA, USA: ICMI.

Gravemeijer, K., Bowers, J., & Stephan, M. (2003). A Hypotatical Learning Trajectory on Measurement and Flexible Arithemetic. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 12, pp. 56-64.

Pemantapan Konsep Penjumlahan dengan Permainan Twee

Twee adalah salah satu permainan yang diadaptasi dari salah satu permainan yang tersaji di website rekenweb, sebuah situs milik Utrecht University, Belanda. Twee yang dalam bahasa Indonesianya berarti dua ini, merupakan salah satu permainan yang dapat digunakan sebagai media pemantapan materi pembelajaran untuk siswa kelas 1 SD, khususnya pada materi penjumlahan.  Untuk memenangkan permainan ini, siswa tidak hanya dituntut untuk mampu melakukan penjumlahan dengan benar, tetapi juga diperlukan kemampuan untuk menyusun strategi.

Gambar 1. Tampilan Permainan Twee di Website

Meskipun membutuhkan strategi khusus, permainan ini didesain sesederhana mungkin, menarik, dan mudah untuk dimainkan, sehingga dapat dimainkan oleh anak-anak dan orang dewasa.

Pada website resminya, permainan ini dapat dimainkan dengan tiga tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda; yakni mudah, sulit, dan sangat sulit. Akan tetapi, guna menyesuaikan sasaran pembelajaran, pada lembar kegiatan ini, permain Twee disajikan dengan tingkat kesulitan yang mudah. Bermainan ini dapat dimainkan secara berkelompok maupun sendiri. Akan lebih menarik lagi jika permainan ini dimainkan oleh beberapa kelompok pada waktu yang bersamaan, karena masing-masing kelompok bisa saja menggunakan strategi yang berbeda.

Untuk memainkan permainan ini secara manual, anda dapat mendownload file pdf yang sudah didesain sehingga dapat dimainkan langsung di kelas, dengan mengklik link ini Twee

Dan untuk memainkannya dengan applikasi java, dapat anda lakukan dengan mengakses link berikut ini:


Tips Belajar Matematika

MATEMATIKAMENYENANGKAN.COM Setiap orang memiliki cara yang unik dalam belajar yang mungkin saja antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya saling berbeda. Oleh sebab tidaklah benar andai dikatakan bahwa model belajar yang satu lebih unggul dibanding model belajar yang lain. Semua tergantung dengan kebiasaan dan potensi masing-masing. Seseorang memang selalu memiliki kecenderungan terhadap model atau cara belajar tertentu. Apakah itu visual, auditorial ataupun kinestetik.

Dalam tulisan ini saya akan memberikan beberapa tips yang bisa Anda ikuti ketika belajar matematika. Beberapa tips mungkin saja cocok dengan Anda, tetapi mungkin juga beberapa tips yang lainnya kurang cocok. Tidak ada yang salah dengan hal itu! Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah Anda tahu potensi dan posisi atau cara dan model belajar yang cocok dan Anda rasakan berguna unntuk mendapatkan hasil belajar yang optimal. Lanjutkan membaca “Tips Belajar Matematika”

Dongeng dan Matematika

Matematikamenyenangkan.com Menyediakan buku-buku cerita baik itu kisah ataupun dongeng sepertinya merupakan sebuah keharusan bagi Anda jika Anda memiliki anak kecil di rumah. Ada banyak buku cerita tersedia yang bisa Anda pilih sesuai keinginan Anda dan anak Anda tentunya. Saya pun memiliki beberapa buku yang isinya menceritakan berbagai kisah dan dongeng. Beberapa diantaranya berisi cerita-cerita favorit dan paling sering dibacakan karena kedua anak saya menyukainya.

Ya, anak kecil senang sekali ketika mereka mendengarkan sebuah kisah atau dongeng. Membacakan cerita kepadanya tentunya merupakan sebuah ide bagus.

Bacakan beberapa cerita kepada anak ketika menjelang tidur di malam hari, atau kapanpun ketika dia menginginkannya. Bacakanlah dengan suara nyaring kepada mereka. Jangan lupa, sedikit ekspresi mungkin diperlukan ketika Anda bercerita.

Lalu apa hubungannya dengan matematika? Lanjutkan membaca “Dongeng dan Matematika”

Bagaimana Matematika Digunakan Oleh Para Ahli

Jika Anda masih bertanya-tanya, “untuk apa saya belajar matematika?”, “apa perlunya matematika hingga diajarkan di semua level pendidikan?”, ada baiknya Anda simak tulisan saya berikut ini. Tulisan ini saya rangkum dari sebagian konten yang ada di situs “We Use Math“.

Berikut adalah sepuluh pekerjaan, dimana matematika dibutuhkan dalam bidang pekerjaan tersebut.   Lanjutkan membaca “Bagaimana Matematika Digunakan Oleh Para Ahli”

English in Mathematics (Part 3)


A fraction (from Latin: fractus, “broken”) represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in everyday English, we specify how many parts of a certain size there are, for example, one-half, five-eighths and three-quarters.

A common or “vulgar” fraction, such as 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, etc., consists of a numerator and a denominator—the numerator representing a number of equal parts and the denominator indicating how many of those parts make up a whole. An example is 3/4, in which the numerator, 3, tells us that the fraction represents 3 equal parts, and the denominator, 4, tells us that 4 parts equal a whole.[1] The picture to the right illustrates 3/4 of a cake. Lanjutkan membaca “English in Mathematics (Part 3)”

Coba Bagi Secara Adil Kue Tart Ini

Pernahkan anda melihat lambang Yin-Yang? Lambang ini sering ditaruh di atas pintu masuk rumah orang Tionghoa. Jika belum pernah melihat, carilah bendera negara Korea. Di tengah bendera terdapat lingkaran. Lingkaran itu mempunyai garis lengkungan (seperti bentuk ombak/sinusoid) yang membagi bulatan itu menjadi dua.
Andaikan ada kue tart dengan pola seperti di atas, dimana sisi berwarna kue dilapisi dengan coklat, sedang sisi yang putih dilapisi dengan White Chocolate. Lezat bukan!. Bagaimana cara membagi kue menjadi 4 dengan porsi yang adil (sama besar), dimana terdapat dua rasa white chocolate yang memberikan sensasi manis dan sedikit pahit dan dua rasa white chocolate yang manis dan lezat?

Kue Tart White Chocolate dan Black Chocolate

Jawaban :
Jika diamati lengkungan itu tidak lain adalah lingkaran dengan diameter ½ jari-jari kue tart dengan sumbu garis horisontal. Buatlah lingkaran yang sama pada dengan sumbu garis vertikal dan (beda 90°) dari sumbu garis horisontal. Hasilnya diperoleh 2 kue coklat dan 2 kue vanila yang bentuk sama namun tidak beraturan.