Tag: interview

A critical review of the research:

Teacher understanding of the nature of science and classroom practice: Factors that facilitate or impede the relationship

Tulisan berikut ini merupakan percobaan pertama dalam menulis critical analysis terhadap serangkaian riset yang dilakukan oleh Lederman (1997). Tulisan ini merupakan salah satu tugas yang diberikan oleh Dolly, dosen pengasuh mata kuliah Research Science Education and Communication (RSEC). RSEC sendiri merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang saya ikuti di block 4 yang lalu. Sebenarnya terdapat banyak sekali kekurangan dari versi ideal yang disyaratkan, akan tetapi saya tetap mempertahankan versi  ini guna melihat sejauh mana perubahan yang telah saya lakukan selama mengikuti mata kuliah ini. Mohon masukannya.


The development and students’ and teacher’ understanding and conception has been a concern of science education for over 40 years ago (Lederman, 1998). Many studies and reviews on the studies have been conducted in order to answer this problem and to validate the finding (for more information see in Lederman, 1998 & Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, 2000). This article is one of the efforts to do so. The author considers that giving this critical review on the research conducted by Lederman (1997) as the author critical perspective thinking in judging the reliability and validity of this research. Therefore this article mainly intend to give a critical review on the research conducted by Lederman (1997) as well addressed in report written in article namely “Teacher understanding of the nature of science and classroom practice: Factors that facilitate or impede the relationship”.

The article describe about the research conducted by Lederman (1997) that aimed to investigate whether the teacher understanding of the nature of science and classroom practice are integrated, and to identify what factor that facilitate or impede its relationship. The study conducted during one full academy year, involved five biology teachers in different high schools in Oregon State and some of their own students. The result of the study claim that teacher’s conception of science does not give an important influence in how the teachers elaborate the material or nature of science in the classroom practice. Lanjutkan membaca